This ladies dad, ex Chancellor Lord Nigel Lawson has stated publicly 'we need out of the European Union'. Obviously I agree but the timing is interesting. Less that a week after UKIP's taking of 25% of the votes at local elections, the Tories have got in a panic, phone calls have been made, and Lawson has been chosen as the man to wrestle the issue back from Nigel Farage & Co. Next up, Euro fanatic Nick Clegg in an even bigger panic, makes the bog standard claim that 3.5 million British jobs depend on our staying in, which is 'A' false, and 'B' amounts to a threat of what will be done to us if we leave, which is no way to run any sort of a relationship worth being in.
How about we come at this so called threat to our jobs from another angle... How many German jobs do we support bearing in mind that country dominates the marketplace for high-end engineered products and a great deal more? It's my guess that 3 million or so German jobs rely upon what they sell us. How many French jobs likewise? Italian? Spanish? Lets grow up, bury this specious argument and accept that the Germans and French etc are not going to cut off their noses to spite their own faces on the matter of jobs; lets get real. If on the other hand some of the jobs in question are those of the tier upon tier of bureaucrats come to blight business and daily life over the 40 year long period during which this failed experiment has been allowed to run; those we would be better off without.
As regards the picture accompanying this posting, I was going to include a snap of Lord Lawson but he's no oil painting, his daughter though is. Bet she's glad her mum provided the genes for her looks.
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