Taken through the mist, the picture shows HMS Ark Royal being towed out of Portsmouth at the start of her final journey to be torn apart in a Turkish scrapyard. Taken out of service in 2010 as possibly the highest profile victim of Cameron's austerity, it is estimated that to have kept her in service for the further decade she was more than fit enough to complete and until her replacement would be ready, would have cost the public purse £100million. Her compliment of Harrier Jump-Jets had been pretty much given away to the US Marines for peanuts when the ship was taken out of service. Kept in employment had the small amount of wit necessary to view the bigger picture been applied, could have been sailors, airmen, and countless skilled men and women who work in the craft industries necessary to maintain such an asset. But this is Britain, a land blighted by the miserable quality of its politicians, people incapable of sufficient vision to view the importance of maintaining national heart and soul. Witless ministers waste our tax money hand-over-fist on negative forms of expenditure whilst oblivious to the bigger picture, the 'Bloody Sunday Inquiry' being a clear example of waste, when lawyer businessmen were free to fleece the taxpayer of a near identical figure (£100million) over the decade they managed to string the case out over with their cleverly applied perpetual arguments and with taxpayers picking up the bill.
What the fate of the Ark represents is national decline, and that we ought to be moving heaven and earth to put the brakes on. At the nucleus of the decline in question is politics and I say that because worthy MP's and Ministers ought to be capable of distinguishing the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Some joined-up-thinking wouldn't go amiss and the place to apply it in the first instance, would be in order to distinguish the difference between positive versus negative forms of expenditure.
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