

Monday, 6 May 2013

Don't tolerate failure, fix it.

If the system you live under is broken don't tolerate it, fix it.

Plainly we have a big problem with a ruling political elite that doesn't listen to the electorate, couldn't care less about our hopes and fears, and will continue to serve its own wants and demands until made to do otherwise. The dismissal of this unworthy breed has to be the most desirable option, but in order to do so at a ballot ideally sooner rather than later, a workable alternative must become available.

Very often I am struck whilst observing conversations and occasionally partaking on social media, that weather a contributor comes from a left-wing or right-wing point of view and perspective, we generally all want the same thing ultimately. Stability, peace of mind and an absence of fear is what nearly all want, so that we can get on with the job of bringing our kids up to fulfil their potential and enjoy a reasonable quality of life. If I'm right (and I'll eat Bernard Manning's pants if I'm wrong) agreeing to cooperate and having the intelligence to meet on the common ground to the benefit of the majority, is the best option we ought to aim for. Some will disagree and insist that until the country is run exactly as they want it to be, prejudices and all, they'll continue to jump up and down and make a lot of noise. I reckon their sorts are a minority that will never go away entirely, but that in a stable and refocused country will become such an insignificant minority, they can be safely ignored. Agreeing to cooperate is the key.


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