

Sunday 19 May 2013

Oportunity to kill two birds with one vote

Nothing shames us more than fiddling whilst Rome burns whilst the future for generations to come goes down the tubes. Getting our act together in order to gain for our children a decent future ought to be priority number one, but instead we're like a nation of dogs chasing our own tails, which is a pointless activity and gets nobody anywhere. The political version is to argue around topics vital to the life of our nation in never ending circles, which allows them to fester and cause maximum damage. We need to stop behaving as though being our own worst enemy was something to shout about and sort the decision making process out, and on that front I've a practical offering to make.  

On18th September 2014 Scotland will vote in a referendum on 'independence' and the breakup of the UK is set to follow, simply because the nationalists are being allowed to call all of the shots currently, including the perverse idea that children with no experience of life and who courtesy of their natural immaturity can be manipulated to the advantage of the politically cynical, should be persuaded to vote. Blighting the whole of the UK meanwhile, is the issue we have with the EU and that is absorbing an enormous amount of time and effort. That matter is a festering boil that needs to be lanced so that we can get on with the job of generating for all of our children a fighting chance of a decent future.

I propose that on 18.9.2014 everyone over the age of eighteen gets to have their say in a double referendum on the matter of independence. We all get to choose between continuing membership of the EU, or the reassertion of full independence and sovereignty in all four countries of the UK, and in Scotland, the electorate vote on Alex Salmond's intended fragmentation of the UK as well. The Scots will have to think long and hard about the best way to cast their votes, because if they get separation from their cousins in the south and west, Scotland could end up with the exact opposite of what Salmond claims to be aiming for, namely full-blown subservience to the EU with the German Chancellor as Scotland's ultimate puppet master, whilst England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be on course to regain their independence; provided of course the vote goes the correct and intelligent way. I value freedom and independence and it's a fair bet many wised up Scots will share the view. 

If we were to make our politicians listen to common sense and do the right thing by putting wheels in motion to make this happen, Alex Salmond will have been bowled a googly he'll have one heck of a job to dodge. Clearly the arguments will need to be made powerfully and without faltering, but the prize could not be more vital. Saving the United Kingdom, re-establishing independence, and arrival at the point where those two festering issues have been put to bed, thus allowing us to concentrate on the future of every British girl and boy. If you agree that it makes sense, how about we start bending politicians ears and refuse to tolerate them cocking a deaf'un? Please feel free to share this posting wherever you think it may do some good.  


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