

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter Sunday and a week spent writing begins.

Happy Easter! The picture doesn't have a lot of relevance to the content of today's blog but it's bright, cheerful, and seasonal which is the only reason I selected it.

I'm taking the week off work to get stuck in to material for the Sheep No More website which is now out of date. We're a year away from the next General Election and yet despite the dreadful and worsening state of the country, not one politician that I'm aware of is offering a scintilla of hope for the future. What we are getting plenty of, is bull and delusion that austerity is working and we should all be slapping our political masters on the back and telling them what fine fellows they are. The numbers in work and supposed 'growth' cuts no ice with me because it's all smoke and mirrors, sufficient only to fool those with a vested interest in 'believing' or who are too stupid or cowardly to question the garbage being force fed them at every news bulletin.

Sheep No More 'the book' is to get a bit of a makeover and the material is ready to upload to Amazon and Feed-A-Read who produce the paper and ink version. A new cover featuring a signpost design will replace the gravestone a number of people have criticised because it comes across as a tad negative, which wasn't the original intention. I understand the criticism and have decided to act on it, hence the new design. It's called listening; something politicians appear incapable of. Inside will be a new Introduction that if I say so myself, is the dogs dangly bits and the best thing I've ever written probably. I would have liked a foreword independently written by a person I admire and who shares a similar mind-set, but it hasn't been forthcoming so far, so I'll go ahead without and add one in later as and when. The bulk of the book will remain as it is currently because I'm still happy with it, and if anything the passing of time is making it more, not less, relevant.

The new website sections will be short, punchy, to the point and original. No politician or journalist that I am aware of, is tackling any of these topics, at least not in a way that they need to be meaningfully and forcefully dealt with. These are the new sections...

2 principles politicians should have at the forefront of their thoughts. The first is the need to maintain national integrity and put in the work necessary to guarantee full Border control, Political and Commercial Sovereignty, Environmental protection, Security of Food and Power supplies etc.. The second principle is to ensure the running of a Stable Economy to benefit not multinational corporations, but the people and our skills base. 

Meritocracy - Democracy - Equality; fight for it!  

Globalisation; are we winners or losers? If we're losers do something about it.

Use of every tool in the kit and trick in the book to stabilise society and give the young a future.

Heart and Soul; politicians happy to preside over decline and endlessly pummel the spirits of our people. Sell everything, ignore the millions abandoned to 'life' on sink estates, privatise the NHS by stealth, decimate the armed services etc.

Senior Management; THE PROBLEM. Our people want to work and we've a national need to maintain skills and run a creative economy but we've a major issue to deal with. Britain's senior management is crap! The worst of any nation on earth, fit only to asset strip and look after No1, being fully insulated from the rest of us. It means the country is commercially leaderless which must be addressed.

Wasted Energy; in that all the British are good for now is arguing, and that whilst we stand toe-to-toe, eyeball-to-eyeball snarling at each other and not cooperating, society is being torn apart around us. Time to wise up and smell the coffee!

Those are just a few of the issues we must get our heads around because if we don't the game is up. One thing you can be certain of is that NONE of them will feature in party political manifestoes other than by lip service. There really isn't any just reason not to get a grip and sort this country out so that our children can have a future so if you'll excuse me good people I'll crack on. Do we need a revolution of ideas and some backbone restored or what?


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