This week I placed for the first time, an ad in my local paper the Isle of Wight County Press, so now would be a good time to give the gist of what Sheep No More is about.
Decades ago I began gobbing off at any and every opportunity, mostly on radio phone-in programs, about the state of decay Britain was falling into, and the lazy, unintelligent, dishonourable, self-serving and visionless politicians handicapping the country and us all. Writing letters to newspapers took up my Sunday mornings as well, but none of it actually achieved anything other than vent a bit of spleen on my part. And no amount of outpourings from countless others in a similar vein have made the slightest difference to the way politicians operate. They do whatever their policy devisors / think tanks / ear benders demand, and they couldn't care less us about the hopes and fears of ordinary people.
I first had a go at writing my book a decade or so ago, after figuring all the energy spent crafting letters to editors was a waste. It would be better to direct that energy into the writing of a book, and so the first of many drafts of Sheep No More began. It was dreadful at first but slowly improved as I got the hang of the writers art. Along the way, I stood as an Independent Candidate for the Isle of Wight at the General Election of 2010 and polled 175 votes. I'm proud of that effort, and very grateful to those who voted for me, but I never had a dogs chance of winning and knew that from the moment my hat went into the ring. I went for it because to merely observe whilst our way of life went down the tubes and children's future with it, wasn't acceptable to my own ideas about right and wrong.
The day after the General Election I took the bull by the horns and sat down at my PC in order to bash out the book. It took a couple of years, absorbed much, if not most of my free time, and was self published on Amazon as an eBook and Feed-A-Read in paper and ink 2 years ago. Since then I haven't been able to get off the work treadmill and spend time doing promotion, so am now trying to summons up extra time from God knows where to do so. Have to give up sleeping probably!
We're now a year away from the next election and our situation is JUST GETTING WORSE. The same politicians responsible for screwing the country up are still in positions where maximum damage can be wrought, and they haven't got any sort of a plan to put the county back on its feet. Window dressing failure as if it was success and weasel words are plentiful, but not one ounce of genuine effort is being made to address serious issues, which just goes to make the case for the relevance of a book such as mine. Sensibly examining the monetarists mind-set to figure out what went wrong, and practical solutions aimed at countering their cancerous philosophy and economic model, is what SNM exists for.
A voice in the wilderness I may have been, but I have at least made clear my objections to lousy politicians and business leaders, doing their own thing whilst ignoring the interests of ordinary British families.
The recently opened shop is dual purpose. On the one hand, it is a conventional workplace out of which I can ply my trade, that of carving metal, mostly for silversmiths. The other side to the enterprise is to provide a shop window and base for Sheep No More, because we have to start fighting back. 14 months from now those same political monetarists to have spent 35 years destroying Britain, will be promising you MORE OF THE SAME, and you'll be expected to vote for the spivs!
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