Having had the best part of two years to mull over my book Sheep No More and take on-board the comments / constructive criticisms of some of those who've read it and whose opinions I respect, I've come to the conclusion that a few quite minor alterations could improve it a lot. The bulk of the text will remain exactly as it is because I'm still happy with it and stand by every word. The alterations to be made are regarding the cover, introduction, and ideally the insertion of a foreword written by someone who gets what this project is about and can see the potential it has.
Two people said pretty much the same thing about the cover which currently depicts a gravestone carrying text that laments what we've lost; democracy, industriousness and even handedness etc. 'Just two readers and you're altering the book as a result you may be thinking; can the bloke be that easily persuaded?' I agree with them which is why I'm biting the bullet on this particular issue. Both said the present cover is clever, but the gravestone gives off a negative vibe, which was not my intention and so must be addressed. When I asked others to be honest about it, opinions were split about 50/50. That set me thinking about an image that couldn't be mistaken as anything other than positive and after much mulling over, a pretty neat idea has come to mind that I'm set to get worked up by a professional book cover artist.
A new Introduction has been written that if I say so myself, is the dogs dangly bits and will replace the current one.
The first version only has a bit of musing on my part where a proper foreword ought to be, so now I'm going to address that issue and seek to gain the endorsement of a person with clout I've a great deal of respect for. The man I'd love to write it has been approached and all I can do is wait and see if he responds. A paragraph or two, or ideally a whole page would do it! The person concerned is a personal hero of mine and played a part sparking this whole project off, so to gain his approval would be a dream come true.
We're in a shocking mess as a country, with no genuine or even window dressing effort being applied towards the task of allowing generations to come a worthwhile future. My book has a lot to say on that account and could only do good if I can get it into circulation and make people aware of what we could, and should, be doing about it. It's about fighting our own and our kids corner at the end of the day.
The new intro is ready, the artwork is clear in my minds eye and just needs to be drawn up properly, and I'm pretty certain the foreword writer I'd love to do it will get where I'm coming from if I can just get his attention. I really need to crack on with this and will be placing small adds in carefully chosen newspapers and magazines to promote it. All it will take is one high profile celebrity, journalist, or businessperson to take an interest and the blue touch-paper will have effectively been lit. There is no reason we shouldn't sort this country out and give our children the future they deserve.
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