

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Wasted energy...

Every other Tuesday I get to co-present a phone-in programme on internet radio station  the aim of which is bring a positive mindset to a range of problems and instead of tolerating 'more of the same' and deepening decline, look instead for solutions.

One of the regular callers to the programme is a woman called Clare whose favourite topics are the EU, Immigration, and Islamists/Jihad. The response she gets to her points are about equally split between supporters and opponents which to my way of thinking just goes to show how much energy Brits waste finger pointing and rowing rather than focusing on the issues themselves and dealing with them meaningfully.

Take the EU for instance. For decades the row about continuing membership has gone on whilst politicians stir the pot every now and again and keep it simmering. Why? Is it because powerful vested interests are tickling our senior politicians under the chin, whispering in their ears 'let the peasants row on' because as long as they continue doing so we can carry on business as usual? If we truly did live in the democracy so many sacrifices were made for by our forebears, our politicians would want to lance this energy wasting boil and settle the matter one way or the other. Most of us know of course what the result of such a vote would be, which is why we're not being given the democratic right to have our say and the collective view once made clear, acted on. That said, if the vote did go in favour of keeping the EU straitjacket on and the result was unchallengeable having been transparently fair, as a democrat I'd have to accept it. But that won't happen and the powers that be know it, hence the reason the issue festers on and is set to continue doing so.

Immigration, Islamism and Jihad figured large on Clare's programme as was inevitable and resulted with the expected division of comments via emails and Face Book. All of these seemingly unsolvable problems could be settled in a fair and democratic way but sad to say the hour was gone in a flash and the aimed for constructive approach never had a chance to be aired. I've been thinking about it a lot in the hours since and will make those thoughts the subject of the next programme.

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