

Friday, 26 July 2013

RIP Ford vehicle production UK. The last Transit.

This was the moment yesterday (25.7.2013) when the very last Ford vehicle of any class or description came off the production line in the UK. Ford's once healthy two sided relationship with Britain has now become a one sided relationship as every vehicle they sell here will from now on be an import.

What's the difference between Ford and other manufacturers that have never made so much as a nut and bolt here? The likes of Mercedes, Fiat and Citroen have always enjoyed a one sided relationship and all along British consumers have been aware that their money once handed over will leave the country and improve standard of livings elsewhere. Where Ford is concerned the relationship was until 1972 when the process of abandoning Britain began, the healthy one spoken of, with the company investing heavily and fairly in skills and communities. Today Ford supports a number of European economies, notably Germany where the cost of labour is higher than in the UK, and they take advantage of cheap labour such as in Turkey where all Transit production will now be based.

Type into a search engine 'Ford Transit' and top result will be the sales pitch for the new model. They don't say that it's made in Turkey but just bang on about how great it is. Profitable as well, because the labour making it is so cheap whilst the van itself is the most expensive it has ever been! These are mega-hard-bitten businesspeople that don't give a damn about people and communities but who are driven solely by greed. ... everything we do is driven by you... the slogan used to go 'everything we do is driven by greed' ought to be the update.

As to why the poor sod driving the van in the picture has a grin on his face? Got a gun in his back probably; smile for the cameras you limey bastard or else.    


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