

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Ford... From a healthy two sided relationship to a one sided piss-take.

On my mind for much of the day has been Ford's abandonment and betrayal of Britain and the reasoning behind the move. The nature of the 'deal' Ford had with Britain and its people has changed in the most fundamental way, having gone from healthy and good when the company respected our country, to the unhealthy and bad version they operate according to now.

When at its best the relationship amounted to a partnership. Ford invested heavily in jobs, skills and communities here, the company was a powerful force for good, and the British economy benefitted enormously. Hard to believe now is that not so many decades ago, everything Ford sold in Britain was made in Britain.

Today the executives at Ford view Britain as a cash-cow they can get away with milking to the nth degree whilst investing the bare minimum that can be got away with. Skilled workers have been unloaded by the tens of thousands onto the benefits system so that Ford can take advantage of cheap labour elsewhere which means in reality, British taxpayers are being used to supplement Ford's ruthless business methods. Its not just them obviously, because using and abusing the benefits system to unload a workforce deemed inconvenient has been standardised as business 'tool'. Where once Ford maintained whole communities in exchange for the loyalty of consumers, now they just want our money, which is an entirely one sided deal. Shameful.


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