We're days away from Scotland's referendum on 'independence' and the result is going to be close. Those for the tearing apart of the UK have become offensively shouty-shouty; as illustrated by SNP old timer Jim Sillars throwing his dollies out of his pram as he boiled over with aggression during a Radio 4 interview concerning BP and North Sea Oil over the weekend. As for the 'better together' establishment responsible for 'A' letting the country degrade to the point whereby breaking up isn't just possible, but likely, and 'B' being in charge of the 'no' campaign; they've been pathetic. If the Union does survive the vote, it won't be thanks to a great campaign mounted by Alistair Darling and his clique of all-party establishment cronies, because they have failed entirely to give Scots positive reasons to vote no.
Regardless of the result on Thursday 18th, there has to follow a Political Inquiry in order to understand how Britain was destabilised and the people become so disillusioned and unhappy that the Union itself ceased to be valued. If the worst happens and the separatists get to uncork their undeserved crate of bubbly, that Inquiry must become a Political Autopsy as well, to determine exactly how the UK was allowed to die.
Whether an Inquiry alone, or a combined Inquiry/Autopsy, the Conservative, New Labour and Liberal Democrat establishment must answer to the people for the disaster that is entirely of their making.
From my perspective, I know where and when the rot set in, it was 1979 and the coming of Thatcherism/Monetarism, a corrupt and lazy philosophy and economic model that has in the thirty-five years since, generated a deeply unhappy and unstable country in which the 'glue' that used to bind our nation together became neglected as if of no importance and ultimately failed.
As to what the most poisonous elements are, that have since the coming of monetarism killed our nation's spirit and sense of 'togetherness'...
An economy run exclusively to suit 'Big Business' and which ignores ordinary families and communities:
Full scale deindustrialisation and the resultant benefits culture that inevitably followed:
Loss of national creativity also commercial and industrial diversity:
Asset Stripping each and every element of our once rich treasure trove of state assets, formerly owned by us all but since handed over to businessmen on a plate for a one-off payment:
Uncontrolled migration with no requirement to integrate, and no bulwark against crooks and terrorists applied:
Decimated public services:
Crooks and the vulnerable viewed as 'business assets' to be exploited by ruthless businesspeople:
Ineffective education:
Student debt:
No jobs:
'Internships' for no wage for the educated and minimum wages amounting to slave labour for the bulk of the workforce.
Political sovereignty surrendered to foreign politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen:
Our much loved and valued NHS being privatised by stealth:
And they are by no means all of the poisonous elements responsible for what has gone wrong, there are plenty more.
From day 1 the monetarists actively set out to achieve one goal, and that was to aid the rich to get richer. However; all those by-products as listed above have been the consequence of lazy thinking generated by those in control. We all need respite and a fresh start; not just the Scots.
The autopsy when it begins is going to be a messy affair for sure. Monetarism has killed Britain and now those responsible must answer for it from Friday the 19th onwards.
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