

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Sigh of relief following the Scottish referendum

Sunday September 21st, three days on from Scotland's referendum and boy, has it been manic! Social media has been in meltdown and the airways buzzing with the aftermath of this historic event. My view is the correct side won and thank goodness for it, though I must comment on the nature of the win which was not as it should have been.

The word 'no' on its own is negative when compared to the 'yes' of the separatists and implied holding back versus going forward which gave Salmond an immediate advantage. Had the words been 'unity' versus 'division' or 'separatism' maybe his 44.7% could have been knocked back somewhat? Who knows, it's all history now anyway and the UK has a stay of execution that must not go to waste.

Amongst the vocal and often quite militant whose side didn't win, plenty have claimed the election was rigged and that dodgy dealings were employed. Video of supposedly underhand counting has been posted on FB, which purports to be genuine but may be staged by those who're just sore losers. I myself stood as an independent candidate at the last general election and recall that at the count, photography was strictly banned so how come this footage? I'm not convinced, but if there is genuine evidence, lets have it fully investigated.

Bizarrely and unjustly, those who voted 'no' and who thankfully won the day, have been portrayed as 'stupid or gullible' by the militant 'yes' lot. The accusation is that they swallowed the establishment's line and behaved as if sheep and by doing so have propped up the government. Many of those who voted no will have done so out of fear of a future adrift from the UK with King Alex at the helm, which to my mind would be a truly frightening prospect. If I was resident in Scotland and had been able to vote on Thursday, I would have voted 'no' not out of fear, but in the name of unity with my countrymen UK wide and because I ultimately expect to see significant change in the peoples best interest in the years ahead. It would not have been a vote to prop up the establishment, but to refuse to be separated from those who are my English, Welsh and Irish first cousins and who must stand together in order to rid us all of the brand of politics Cameron, Miliband and Clegg represent. Divide and Rule is a nasty devise that has been used very successfully against the peoples of the UK for decades too long already.

I have personally had grief from those who expected and wanted the Union to collapse on Thursday and are furious that it didn't. My answer to those people is this; I want rid of the Westminster establishment and the coming of a new, inclusive and constructive political philosophy based upon enterprise and family values. The best way to get that, is to unite the diverse peoples of Britain in a common cause. Retaining the ability of the UK to come together and work towards a set of worthwhile prospects, has to be the foundation upon which a better future is built. Unity amongst the ordinary populous is a million times more important that how corrupt the political establishment is. There is already a huge amount of disunity which benefits those taking advantage, of that there can be no doubt. I though believe the damage can be repaired, and it has to be.

Ask yourself a simple question in order to determine which is the more important issue. Who has most to gain from the disunity of the people? Answer: THE ESTABLISHMENT. Alternatively, who has most to fear from the unity of the people and attention becoming focused on just how bloody useless and corrupt leadership is? Answer: THE ESTABLISHMENT. So to those banging on about how stupid the no voters were, you are wrong, if that is you want real change in this country.

This blog was originally intended to be about monetarism/globalisation as I have been questioned about my view on the matter regarding the referendum. As this particular blog is already more than long enough, I'll post it, grab a cup of rosy, and set about a second one on that topic. Two in one day; not much painting and gardening getting done around here!

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