

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The 'other' Team GB

Nothing irritates and frustrates me more, than being unable to write due to pressure of work. On the positive side though, endless fermentation of ideas keeps on bubbling away, whilst I carry out my conventional workload. Team GB and their stunning performance at the Olympics, has set a whole new train of thoughts in motion as regards how to present SNM in the best possible light. Our sportspeople have shown what can be achieved when sufficient hard work and a positive mindset get applied to a job in hand, and theirs is a mentality that needs to be applied to all walks of national life.

Taking in the bigger picture, our sportspeople represent just one constituent element of the real and full scale 'Team GB'. Other elements include Politics, Law, Commerce, Public Services, Bureaucracy and Community Cohesion amongst the other 'players' and those elements all represent failure.

Picture Team GB as it ought to be viewed. One element has proved itself to be worthy whilst all of the other elements around it represent the worst of Britain. That is the starting point and the new direction of attack Sheep No More will come from. The current website is too 'wordy' and concentrates on 'the problem' whilst only touching on solutions and what ought to be achievable. Chapter 12 of SNM is packed full of material designed to begin righting so much that has been left to go wrong, and that is where the emphasis of the project must go. So expect new content to the website just as soon as I can knock it into shape, that will take its lead from our Olympians and will concentrate on solutions and the performance 'we the people' are entitled to expect from 'The Team'.

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