

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Never before in my adult lifetime, has the Union Flag been more in evidence than it has in the spring and summer of 2012. Putting aside the European Cup (bit of a let down, but we were after all, pinning our hopes on a bunch of overpaid, prima-donna chavs) the spirit of the country has since then improved enormously. Queenie's Diamond Jubilee went down a storm, and then the Olympics got underway, and our hard working girls and boys have restored to Britain a great deal of pride. Well done to all of them I say, and not just the medal winners, but those whose success may well come at future tournaments, also those working behind the scenes. Soon it will all be over and this amazing summer (events wise) will draw to a close. Then it'll be back to normal (austerity and all that crap) which will be a very good time to capitalise upon the positive spirit at large now, and see about what can be done to revive British Politics and make it worthy once more.  

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