

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Whilst waiting for my new website material to be put online by the designer, I shall lay out my stall in brief terms.

Where I live on the Isle of Wight, someone stencilled the words pictured onto a workman's hut where they remained for several years until recently. It was quite a talking point locally, because many of us would like to know the answer! I think it should be, and indeed is possible to figure out what went wrong in straightforward terms and language.

Currently Britain is in one hell of a mess. Our politicians are a bunch of nationally handicapping, self serving, antidemocratic spivs and the country is plainly not safe in their hands.We're bankrupt in all but name because of a misguided political and commercial philosophy, in place and ripping the fabric of society apart, for a third of a century thus far unchallenged. I am no socialist and you don't need to be one, in order to recognise that over the time-frame in question, the country and its economy has been run to benefit those already at the top of the pecking order, whilst the rest of us have been ignored to the point of disenfranchisement. Ordinary citizens in Britain have counted for nothing, whilst the movers and shakers in control of our lives, have made no effort to maintain national unity or a stable society. That is a statement of fact that couldn't be any easier to prove. Watch the TV news, read your local paper, take in what surrounds each and every one of us daily, and the evidence of a nation in serious decline is undeniable.   

Two questions must be answered with courage and honesty. How did we get into such an almighty mess? And what can be done about it? I believe, nay am certain, that our current free-fall of decline can be explained, halted and reversed. We need a new political breed and mindset, so that those entrusted with power understand that their duty is to 'steward' national affairs courageously and sensibly, leaving you and I to get on with the job of bringing home the bacon and raising our families, whilst confident that our political masters are up to the job we're entitled to expect of them, and are keeping the nation and us all safe! We need an economic model specifically designed to work to the benefit of the majority, supporting and rebuilding our skills base and recirculating cash healthily, as opposed to the minority serving model that has bankrupted the nation and inflicted so much harm. And we need to rekindle our national spirit, stop tolerating a multitude of abuses, and demand a fitting and worthy future for our children.

With this posting I have barely scratched the surface of what needs doing, so am looking forward enormously to the new website going live. The next post I make will be to advise you that has been updated and is ready to kick off. 


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