

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Alex Salmond is way ahead in his quest to bust up the Union and has been allowed to call all the shots, pretty much unchallenged up until now; a wrong that isn't about to end. Alistair Darling (pictured) is to head the campaign to maintain the integrity of the UK, which doesn't inspire in yours truly much, if any, confidence.

The rise of separatist nationalism in Scotland and Wales is a symptom of national decay. At the 2009 European Elections, just short of a million people voted for the BNP (British National Party) which to my mind is another indicator towards, and symptom of, national decay. People wouldn't be voting for the kind of outfits that give Britain a bad name and are out to fragment and ultimately destroy the United Kingdom, if conventional, mainstream politics hadn't failed so catastrophically.

Mr Darling heads a Labour, Conservative, Lib-Dem coalition campaign to stop the SNP (Scotish National Party) pulling apart the Union and turning back the clock on three centuries of advances. Salmond should be easy to expose for destructive force for bad he is; a 'Little Scotlander' on the brink of reducing Scotland to a pipsqueak nation reliant on EU handouts and about as influential in the world as Luxembourg, but baring miricles, Alistair Darling is unlikely to be the leader needed. He represents the breed that allowed decay to bed in and fester, has cost us our quality of life, and set people searching for scapegoats to blame for so much unhappiness. Is it sensible therefore, to expect the same individuals to put matters right? In Scotland right now, the majority of citizens don't want to destroy the UK, but still they remain disenfranchised because no one is fighting effectively their corner . We've got two years before Salmond get's his dreamed of referendum that may result with 'game over' for the UK, so we'd better get are arses into gear.

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