Alex Salmond is way ahead in his quest to bust up the Union and has been allowed to call all the shots, pretty much unchallenged up until now; a wrong that isn't about to end. Alistair Darling (pictured) is to head the campaign to maintain the integrity of the UK, which doesn't inspire in yours truly much, if any, confidence.
The rise of separatist nationalism in Scotland and Wales is a symptom of national decay. At the 2009 European Elections, just short of a million people voted for the BNP (British National Party) which to my mind is another indicator towards, and symptom of, national decay. People wouldn't be voting for the kind of outfits that give Britain a bad name and are out to fragment and ultimately destroy the United Kingdom, if conventional, mainstream politics hadn't failed so catastrophically.
Mr Darling heads a Labour, Conservative, Lib-Dem coalition campaign to stop the SNP (Scotish National Party) pulling apart the Union and turning back the clock on three centuries of advances. Salmond should be easy to expose for destructive force for bad he is; a 'Little Scotlander' on the brink of reducing Scotland to a pipsqueak nation reliant on EU handouts and about as influential in the world as Luxembourg, but baring miricles, Alistair Darling is unlikely to be the leader needed. He represents the breed that allowed decay to bed in and fester, has cost us our quality of life, and set people searching for scapegoats to blame for so much unhappiness. Is it sensible therefore, to expect the same individuals to put matters right? In Scotland right now, the majority of citizens don't want to destroy the UK, but still they remain disenfranchised because no one is fighting effectively their corner . We've got two years before Salmond get's his dreamed of referendum that may result with 'game over' for the UK, so we'd better get are arses into gear.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
This South London NHS trust is bust whilst politicians are queueing up to stick the knife in and twist it. The trust is in debt to the tune of 69 million, but why? Well for a start it became the victim of ruthless financiers that managed to tie it up in PFI knots, and having done so successfully, became the greediest pig at the trough where the trust's budget is concerned. Instead of being spent on medics and treatments, millions have instead been wasted, servicing a massive and unnecessary debt. Add to this the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse, unhealthy diet, health tourism and injuries arising from social breakdown (gang fights / nightclub brawls etc) and unsurprisingly the money to deal with it all has run out.
What are politicians for if not to steward the affairs of the nation? It is up to them to prevent the likes of hard pressed NHS trusts becoming ensnared with ruthless financiers pushing lucrative (for them) deals. And when social breakdown gets a grip and will impose mighty costs upon us all, that too indicates that our lords and masters are not doing their job anything like adequately. The problem here isn't the NHS, but the political establishment that would far rather look after the interests of big business that do the right thing by society.
What are politicians for if not to steward the affairs of the nation? It is up to them to prevent the likes of hard pressed NHS trusts becoming ensnared with ruthless financiers pushing lucrative (for them) deals. And when social breakdown gets a grip and will impose mighty costs upon us all, that too indicates that our lords and masters are not doing their job anything like adequately. The problem here isn't the NHS, but the political establishment that would far rather look after the interests of big business that do the right thing by society.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
There is a fantastic letter on page 51 of the Isle of Wight County Press, penned by Arthur Reader and concerning the wilful destruction of the Royal Mail. The letter is titled 'Goodbye to our heritage'. It isn't on the CP website currently but if they put it up in the next day or so, I'll copy and paste it here.
This morning I shall reply to the letter and support the view of Mr Reader, which is bang on the money.
The gist of it is, the powers that be don't give a damn about our heritage and are aiding and abetting the national identity to be rubbed out. He objects to that and so do I.
This morning I shall reply to the letter and support the view of Mr Reader, which is bang on the money.
The gist of it is, the powers that be don't give a damn about our heritage and are aiding and abetting the national identity to be rubbed out. He objects to that and so do I.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Book and website sorted, I've now to put my thinking cap on regarding the next two steps. The first is to figure out how to draw the attention of journalists and public figures to the project and its aims, and gain their support, which is likely to be a long and drawn out job, but enjoyable; hopefully! The other, is to put together the shortest possible document, to be kept about me at all times from now on, with upon it bullet points and prompts. I shall be working on the document just as soon as I've finished this blog entry, and may even publish it when complete on here. Now then; who has a phone number for John Humphries or Jamie Oliver? Come on guys, help me out!
Friday, 22 June 2012
Change has got to come and we all know it, and as we also know perfectly well, 'the establishment' will continue with business as usual until we the people declare enough! This project is my own way of telling the world I'm not prepared to put up with endless failure (not that very many are aware of it at the mo) and my book and website are the means by which word will eventually spread.
This really is a one-man-band and very small operation at the mo, and I shall have to take it a step at a time. Years were spent getting the manuscript right and readable, and then followed six months preparation to publish. In May the book was uploaded onto Kindle and Feed-A-Read and a few kind people bought a copy, whilst not really knowing what they were getting, so thank you to them and for taking a chance! In June the website got sorted and I must say that I'm very pleased with it, so thank you to Netguides of Cowes. Then yesterday a box of books arrived as pictured, and these will be used for promotion and to say thank you.
My daughters will get one each as practical proof of why their dad has spent so much time writing in recent years, and half a dozen copies will go to friends that helped me out with advice and inside knowledge of certain institutions, such as the Royal Mail. Then left from this carton of 20 books, will be some copies I'll use to promote the project to media people. It's a start, albeit a very small one, but that's OK by me.
This really is a one-man-band and very small operation at the mo, and I shall have to take it a step at a time. Years were spent getting the manuscript right and readable, and then followed six months preparation to publish. In May the book was uploaded onto Kindle and Feed-A-Read and a few kind people bought a copy, whilst not really knowing what they were getting, so thank you to them and for taking a chance! In June the website got sorted and I must say that I'm very pleased with it, so thank you to Netguides of Cowes. Then yesterday a box of books arrived as pictured, and these will be used for promotion and to say thank you.
My daughters will get one each as practical proof of why their dad has spent so much time writing in recent years, and half a dozen copies will go to friends that helped me out with advice and inside knowledge of certain institutions, such as the Royal Mail. Then left from this carton of 20 books, will be some copies I'll use to promote the project to media people. It's a start, albeit a very small one, but that's OK by me.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Now that new content is up and running at I can thankfully declare my new career has begun and that this is effectively 'Day 1'. Twelve years have passed since the title of 'Sheep No More' popped into my head and long before a word of text had been written. Numerous attempts at writing the manuscript and around three quarters of a million words having been deleted later, and the book is at last published. Now it has a website to compliment and promote it and it feels like I have at last made real progress.
The mindset behind this project is that we'll tolerate any amount of abuse which includes appalling quality leadership, that it has been going on for a third of a century thus far, and that the future itself has gone down the tubes as a result. We need to fight back, figure out what went wrong, identify a sensible way forward, and set about repairing Broken Britain. It is doable and I truly believe that, but I've not a scintilla of faith or trust left for our movers and shakers to do the right thing by the country. This repair job has be carried out by people like you and me, working together and cooperating in the common interest and demanding change for the better.
Does the book need to make money? Of course! And when it does, you can take it from me upon my word of honour (worth a great deal more than any political operators weasel words) this project will be developed to its full potential.
The mindset behind this project is that we'll tolerate any amount of abuse which includes appalling quality leadership, that it has been going on for a third of a century thus far, and that the future itself has gone down the tubes as a result. We need to fight back, figure out what went wrong, identify a sensible way forward, and set about repairing Broken Britain. It is doable and I truly believe that, but I've not a scintilla of faith or trust left for our movers and shakers to do the right thing by the country. This repair job has be carried out by people like you and me, working together and cooperating in the common interest and demanding change for the better.
Does the book need to make money? Of course! And when it does, you can take it from me upon my word of honour (worth a great deal more than any political operators weasel words) this project will be developed to its full potential.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Whilst waiting for my new website material to be put online by the designer, I shall lay out my stall in brief terms.
Where I live on the Isle of Wight, someone stencilled the words pictured onto a workman's hut where they remained for several years until recently. It was quite a talking point locally, because many of us would like to know the answer! I think it should be, and indeed is possible to figure out what went wrong in straightforward terms and language.
Currently Britain is in one hell of a mess. Our politicians are a bunch of nationally handicapping, self serving, antidemocratic spivs and the country is plainly not safe in their hands.We're bankrupt in all but name because of a misguided political and commercial philosophy, in place and ripping the fabric of society apart, for a third of a century thus far unchallenged. I am no socialist and you don't need to be one, in order to recognise that over the time-frame in question, the country and its economy has been run to benefit those already at the top of the pecking order, whilst the rest of us have been ignored to the point of disenfranchisement. Ordinary citizens in Britain have counted for nothing, whilst the movers and shakers in control of our lives, have made no effort to maintain national unity or a stable society. That is a statement of fact that couldn't be any easier to prove. Watch the TV news, read your local paper, take in what surrounds each and every one of us daily, and the evidence of a nation in serious decline is undeniable.
Two questions must be answered with courage and honesty. How did we get into such an almighty mess? And what can be done about it? I believe, nay am certain, that our current free-fall of decline can be explained, halted and reversed. We need a new political breed and mindset, so that those entrusted with power understand that their duty is to 'steward' national affairs courageously and sensibly, leaving you and I to get on with the job of bringing home the bacon and raising our families, whilst confident that our political masters are up to the job we're entitled to expect of them, and are keeping the nation and us all safe! We need an economic model specifically designed to work to the benefit of the majority, supporting and rebuilding our skills base and recirculating cash healthily, as opposed to the minority serving model that has bankrupted the nation and inflicted so much harm. And we need to rekindle our national spirit, stop tolerating a multitude of abuses, and demand a fitting and worthy future for our children.
With this posting I have barely scratched the surface of what needs doing, so am looking forward enormously to the new website going live. The next post I make will be to advise you that has been updated and is ready to kick off.
Where I live on the Isle of Wight, someone stencilled the words pictured onto a workman's hut where they remained for several years until recently. It was quite a talking point locally, because many of us would like to know the answer! I think it should be, and indeed is possible to figure out what went wrong in straightforward terms and language.
Currently Britain is in one hell of a mess. Our politicians are a bunch of nationally handicapping, self serving, antidemocratic spivs and the country is plainly not safe in their hands.We're bankrupt in all but name because of a misguided political and commercial philosophy, in place and ripping the fabric of society apart, for a third of a century thus far unchallenged. I am no socialist and you don't need to be one, in order to recognise that over the time-frame in question, the country and its economy has been run to benefit those already at the top of the pecking order, whilst the rest of us have been ignored to the point of disenfranchisement. Ordinary citizens in Britain have counted for nothing, whilst the movers and shakers in control of our lives, have made no effort to maintain national unity or a stable society. That is a statement of fact that couldn't be any easier to prove. Watch the TV news, read your local paper, take in what surrounds each and every one of us daily, and the evidence of a nation in serious decline is undeniable.
Two questions must be answered with courage and honesty. How did we get into such an almighty mess? And what can be done about it? I believe, nay am certain, that our current free-fall of decline can be explained, halted and reversed. We need a new political breed and mindset, so that those entrusted with power understand that their duty is to 'steward' national affairs courageously and sensibly, leaving you and I to get on with the job of bringing home the bacon and raising our families, whilst confident that our political masters are up to the job we're entitled to expect of them, and are keeping the nation and us all safe! We need an economic model specifically designed to work to the benefit of the majority, supporting and rebuilding our skills base and recirculating cash healthily, as opposed to the minority serving model that has bankrupted the nation and inflicted so much harm. And we need to rekindle our national spirit, stop tolerating a multitude of abuses, and demand a fitting and worthy future for our children.
With this posting I have barely scratched the surface of what needs doing, so am looking forward enormously to the new website going live. The next post I make will be to advise you that has been updated and is ready to kick off.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
I'd thought that I must be alone in cyberspace, because surely after ignoring this blog for eighteen months and even forgetting the log in details, no one would still be looking in would they? So I was about to indulge and write something smutty or tell myself a good joke or two, but then noticed the view counter, telling me there were 140 views of the previous post. Well I never! Just to say then, I'm still waiting for the website to be put up and will then start letting rip. My fingers are ready!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
A new start for this blog. First opened in the spring of 2010 when I stood as an Independent Candidate at the General Election of that year, all the old posts relating to that time have now been deleted. In support of my book Sheep No More, now published on Amazon Kindle and Feed-A-Read print on demand, I am promised by the web designer that will go live later this week. This blog will enable me to write more than just snippets as on Facebook and Twitter and link them to the website.
I shall discipline myself to direct my efforts constructively, towards this blog instead of idle chitchat on facebook!
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