

Monday, 9 June 2014

Progress expected...

Am champing at the bit to get back to writing up the 'Band-Aid Manifesto' as I've taken to thinking about it, and will do so shortly. Finding the time I need to bash out the mass of material accumulating within the old cranium, is proving difficult of late, mainly due to the pressure of my every day job and the need to pay the mortgage. However; progress has been made in an important area, and this afternoon I have a meeting with a desktop publisher who is going to upload a lightly revised version of Sheep No More to Amazon and Feed-A-Read who print the paper and ink version. Yesterday afternoon I put together the new sales pitch for the book which reads as follows...

"Sheep No More is about Britain and the mess economically, industrially, and socially our once great and stable land has been allowed to sink into. Brits need to know how we got to ‘where we’re at’ because to do so and make a good job of it, marks the place to begin repairing all the damage done since 1979, when the author asserts the rot set in and rapidly spread to every pore and sinew of national life.

Tackling such a seemingly daunting subject could make for a very tedious read were it to be done by some learned member of the establishment, so it’s just as well Pete Harris is a blunt speaking, everyday working bloke who is unafraid to call a spade a spade and does not take prisoners. The result is a fast moving, informative and thought provoking read.

Our children deserve a future, but at the moment all they’re set to inherit is our mess, so best we sort it out."     
The pic has no relevance to this post, its just bright and cheerful like me!

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