Can UKIP offer a sensible alternative? The power and influence they've gained as a result of May's twin polls, is drawn from their stance on the EU and uncontrolled migration, but beyond that pair of interconnected issues, all the party has to offer is an adherence to the same monetarism the other three parties cannot muster the wit to think outside the box of. If there's not an alternative to 'more of the same' then we have reached the point of 'game over' both for Britain as a nation, and for our hard won civilisation, which plainly isn't an acceptable situation any of us should be prepared to put up with. There must be a sensible alternative and is.
What Britain needs rid of
For thirty five years the interests of the majority has been ignored whilst the wants and demands of Big Business have been slavishly adhered to. As a result, all the family silver has been sold off, we've a tax system designed to suit giant corporations and that gets run rings around by their clever accountants, the country has been utilised as a very productive 'cash cow' to the benefit of those calling the shots, and the rich have become ever richer, often by helping themselves to wealth that once belonged to us all. Alongside the minority serving economy, three and a half decades long in duration thus far; minimum wages, zero hours contracts, unpaid internships, debt for students and the mother of all benefits cultures has been imposed on the majority. The system stinks, is morally wrong, has bankrupted the country and made it dysfunctional.
What Britain needs instead
The most important resource ours or any other country must aim to get the best out of, is its people, and in this regard British politicians long ago lost the plot. The people exist not to be exploited, abandoned and abused, but must be given every assistance and opportunity to blossom and bloom, and this is especially true where the young are concerned. At the top end of the social structure, we need senior management to reconnect with the populous, simply because we are all in this together, a fact senior British management has entirely lost touch with over recent decades. Those abandoned to existing on sink estates, and attending sink schools, must be offered a way out of those places through the existence of real job opportunities. We need our traditional creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to be revived and the tidal wave of imports presently crashing in upon us to be held back. Some years down the line we must aim to balance the books and become an exporting country again, not of tat, but of high grade products. We need entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, and our skills base currently hanging by a thread to be revitalised. Our farmers must be assisted to get back on their tractors and we need our fields to be filled with crops and not houses. As a second tier of commerce that ought to be viewed as being the worthy version of a 'service economy' health, education, banking and the likes must be sensibly governed and properly resourced. Finally the areas of national life that add 'quality' to the lives of all must be put back to rights. Social services, child protection and care of the elderly and vulnerable.None of the above is on the radar where the policy makers of the top three, now four, parties are concerned, yet all are vital to the restoration of Britain's heart and soul, and all are achievable with the right set of attitudes in place and then empowered.
The 'Common Sense and Logic Party'
The common sense party doesn't exist at present but maybe it should, and if it did the following would be items on the manifesto. All are just one liners presently in need of being fleshed out and will be in the coming weeks and months.
To be continued when a little less knackered...