

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

New Introduction for Sheep No More...

This is the  new Introduction section to included with the revised version of Sheep No More. Sets out my stall neatly I think.


If not me, then someone had to write this book because the future for our children and generations to come is being flushed down the tubes whilst no one does anything about it. Brits have lost the plot and our national backbone has gone with it, as proven by the fact that we’re behaving as if helpless spectators at our own demise rather than fight back and put the brakes on the decline politicians are content to preside over.

Dare to imagine what those who are babes-in-arms today will be inheriting when adults and responsible for the nation a generation or two hence (bearing in mind those most active politically tend to be well into their middle age). What will be left for them by the middle of the twenty-first century if we don’t put our house in order now? We’re bankrupt in all but name, a reality the powers that be would have us believe can be disguised with fiddled figures, whilst in social terms the fabric of society is being torn to shreds; yet no plan of action exists or effort is being made to get a grip on either count. On the contrary, there is only one game in town as far as politicians can see and sheepishly adhere to it, and that is to persist with the very same philosophy and economic model Mrs T was happy to put her name to and that has wreaked havoc since 1979. The rich have got richer whilst the rest of us have been impoverished, and the country has been run to benefit a ruthless minority at the expense of the robbed blind majority, which is simply a statement of fact. With that in mind, does it make any sense to continue with the very same model responsible for trashing the British way of life; or is it time to kick the cancerous mindset into touch and pursue some new, fresh and constructive thinking?   

If this is to be a full frontal assault on monetarism and what it has done to the country, which it is, does that mean the author must be some sort of a rabid socialist lefty seeking to wage class warfare on the knobs? Nope, I believe in free enterprise, democracy and meritocracy. Posh or poor, black or white matters not a jot to my way of thinking, I simply want yours and my kids to be allowed to grow up in a stable and progressive land in which they can thrive. I want to see developed an enterprise based economic model, purposely designed to support the interests of the majority, one that is skills based at the top end and which as a result of its earning capability, can support the rewards of a well run economy. As to what the ‘rewards’ in question are, I’d say high quality public services run not for profit but in support of a civilised society rate as being both desirable and achievable.

Why shouldn’t we be able to enjoy such a radical change of direction for the better? No reason at all as far as I can see, it’s all down to mindset and what we are willing to either put up with or strive as a unified and cooperative people to break away from and dump.

In order to make plain what the author is against and would very much like to see the back of, this pile of dung is what passes for ‘leadership’ in long suffering Britain and is entirely responsible for the mess we’re in...

Millionaire public schoolboys ‘born to lead’ insulated from, and dismissive of, the peasantry...

‘Yes men’ backbenchers and county councillors who’ll rubber stamp whatever gets put before them, because they know what side their bread is buttered...

Hoards of bureaucrats producing nothing of any use whilst binding us all in red tape...

Casino bankers responsible for losing our nation its shirt and still today carrying on regardless... 

Business leaders that have pimped their own history and heritage and pocketed the loot without shame...

Ambulance chasing lawyers urging all to sue, sue, sue, and a legal trade shamelessly exploiting crooks and their victims as ‘business assets’...

Enough is enough; it cannot be beyond our collective wit to build a society purposely designed to serve the best interests of the majority, which in a nutshell, is what this book is about.

Only the sensibilities of the politicians and senior business people responsible for degrading this once great country have been harmed during the making of this book. They’ve got it coming and deserve both barrels metaphorically speaking. 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

New edition of Sheep No More sees the light of day

This is the new cover design for the revised edition of my 2012 self-published book that is more, not less relevant now than when first published. This version contains three changes that help it shape up and become more reader friendly.

The old cover that depicted a gravestone had to go because to some it represented 'curtains' and implied 'game over' for Britain, which was most definitely not what I had intended. This cover cannot be viewed as anything other than positive, the message seeking to be conveyed being... fight back, it's not all over, our kids deserve a future and it's up to us as their parents to insist that they get what their birth-right entitles them to.

Inside, the introduction is new, punchy and to the point. The meat of the content remains untouched as I still stand by every word of it. At the end is a new 'Last Word' section to sign off. That too is uncompromising in its language and allows me the opportunity to comment further and update topics tackled within the main text.

I cannot thank Brian Cantwell enough for knocking the book into shape from a technical perspective. He took care of the formatting and rearranged the typesetting to tighten it all up with the result that Sheep No More is almost eighty pages shorter, whilst not a dot or comer of text has been lost. It's more compact, easier to read, more pleasing in paper form or on a Kindle (well it will be just as soon as a printed version arrives hopefully in the next few days so I can check it through and make the new edition live online) and I confess myself to be well chuffed with the result. It's a better book and it has the potential to make an impact.

In paper and ink form it is available from Feed-A-Read now with the price set at the minimum the company will allow me to fix it at. When the new version goes live as an eBook on Amazon any day now, the price will be set at under £3 because I want to get volume.

I've just checked the Amazon, Waterstones and WH Smith sites and they're still showing the old version at the mo but it shouldn't be long until the new filters through. Now, I'd better set to work on new website material so if you'll excuse me...