

Friday, 8 November 2013

Combining work and 'leisure'.

Crikey; have just realised how long it is since I updated this blog but I do have a good excuse.
Without the support of a publisher to help promote the idea that it really is time to take matters in hand and stop the rot (understatement of the millennium) I made up my mind back in August to take on a small shop in my home town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight, and combine work and pleasure under one roof. I work as a Hand Engraver to the Silversmith's Industry by trade, which is an interesting job but when all is said and done, is merely the way I earn a crust and pay my way. Pleasure/passion/duty comes from writing and is way more important to my way of thinking because of the topic. Britain, its condition, and what future generations stand to inherit drives this project and I guess many will agree that subject matter is pretty damned important!

So anyway; alongside working normally in order to pay the mortgage etc, I have also been grafting away to sort the shop out. Only a sign above the door and some stencilled wording on the windows remains to be done and will be by this time next week. A very nice man is coming to measure up on Tuesday and once done, the new 'work and pleasure premises' will be up and running. I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of people already aware of the place before signage is even up, and before any advertising has been published. Come on in and pick up a copy of Sheep No More for goodness sake or get it as an eBook from Amazon!! Income from sales will earn credibility and this will ultimately allow the project to begin developing towards realising its true potential. Working towards saving the inheritance of our own children and their children; could there be anything more vital?