

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Mrs Thatcher's funeral

Yesterday the nation said goodbye to Mrs Thatcher and her fan club spent the day glorying in her life's work and 'achievements' as they occupied the news airwaves pretty much wall-to-wall. It had been my intention to ignore the TV and listen to the Radio 4 coverage whilst keeping my nose to the grindstone and working normally but in the event, I did give in and put on the TV up to the point at which the hearse drove away from St Paul's. I'm glad the service went off ok and without incident. Today the sun is out, and after many a good and telling conversation both in person and across social media since her passing was announced, I've a very positive feeling about what lays ahead as it seems many amongst us are not willing to settle for 'more of the same' but are prepared to put in the effort to identify a sensible way forward. The architect of Britain's disastrous monetarism has left the stage, her followers have lost their icon, the philosophy they've followed like sheep is bankrupt, and it's time to bury it alongside its champion and move constructively on.  

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Passing of Margaret Thatcher

On Monday 8th April around midday, news of Mrs Thacher's passing was made public and resulted in saturation media coverage. Tributes from the 'great' and the 'good' poured over the airwaves and proved, as if we needed it; our political masters live in a different universe to the rest of us. The 'greatest' peacetime Prime Minister ever, and 'saviour' of Britain was claimed by politicians past and present and made me for one wonder, if those uttering the words are incapable of viewing reality? I don't doubt that she was a patriot and believed she was doing the right thing for the country; but it is the legacy that speaks volumes about the monetarism she unleashed and put her name to, and which has shaped the country we live in now. Her philosophy made the rich richer whilst the rest of us would be expected to lump it whilst the heart and soul of our nation was ripped out and trampled all over. It's my perception that 'Broken Britain' has been the result of a third of a century of continuous monetarism, which sorry to say, is the actual legacy the lady leaves behind. As for all the gushing tributes from the likes of Cameron and the previous generation of grandees; to my mind the strangely fascinating display serves perfectly to illustrate how insulated from the reality of their own creation such socially destructive people are, and therefore how vast is the gulf between the people and their political masters. RIP Mrs T, I've no doubt you actually did believe you were right.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

A long and slow burner

The story so far...
The title Sheep No More came to mind more than a decade ago and before a word of the story itself had actually been written. The first attempt was crude and amateurish and was followed by 5 or 6 rewrites, none of which were good enough although each was thankfully better than its predecessor. In 2010, I stood as an independent candidate at the General Election of that year and was beaten by the Tory by some 30,000 votes! What those people thought they were voting for I really don't know, but what they got was more of the same. The very next day after the vote, I set to work on Sheep No More and spent the next 18 months getting it right at last. It was self published on Amazon and Feed-A-Read in 2012, which marks the first significant milestone of this project passed.
Several attempts were made at a website but the material was never right; until now. A new version of the website is now live, I'm very pleased with it, and its activation marks the second important milestone passed safely by. My next task is to promote the project and get the message that we ought to be capable of putting Britain back to rights out there. There's lots to do, and now that I feel the book and website are both sorted, there's no reason to hang back.

The picture by the way depicts what Britons need to do. Stop tolerating bad leadership, failure, abuses and affronts, get our heads up and fight our corner for the sake of future generations. A positive and cooperative attitude is required and can only do the country and us all a power of good.